Monday, May 30, 2016

St. Ferdinand III of Castile - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Ferdinand III of Castile - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. Ferdinand III of Castile, Roman Catholic King, In 1225, he held back Islamic invaders; prayed and fasted to prepare for the war; extremely devoted to the Blessed Virgin. Between 1234-36, Ferdinand conquered the city of Cordoba from the Moors.Feastday May30

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Unity Now: The reconversion of our world to the Holy Catholic faith is the only hope for our future!

Of a common Christianity there has never been and never can be a definition, for it has never existed.

There is no essential doctrine such that if we can agree upon it we can differ about the rest: as for instance, to accept immortality but deny the Trinity.

A man will call himself a Christian though he denies the unity of the Christian Church; he will call himself a Christian though he denies the presence of Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament; he will cheerfully call himself a Christian though he denies the Incarnation.

No; the quarrel is between The Church and the Anti-Church. The Holy Catholic Church of God and The Anti-God, The Church of Christ and The Anti-Christ.

There never has been and never can be or will be a general Christian religion professed by men who all accept some central important doctrines, while agreeing to differ about others.  There has always been, from the beginning, and will always be, The Church, and sundry heresies either doomed to decay, or, like Mohammedanism, to grow into a separate religion.

The reconversion of our world to the Holy Catholic faith is the only hope for our future!

It was the faith that gradually and indirectly turned the slave into the peasant serf and then into the free peasant.

It was the faith which took the guild and made it the foundation for our modern world. It was the faith with is morality stopped usury from retuning us to slavery.

The same usury that is today turning us into slavery.

The line of cleavage throughout the world lies between what is with, and what is against, The Faith. Hilarie Belloc says our choices are a return to Catholicism or chaos and "the crisis ... does not permit of indefinite delay."

He shows in his work's that ever since the disaster of the Protestant Reformation, our civilization has been coming apart. Catholicism built the Western World - from Roman times through the Dark Ages to the High Middle Ages - but the false doctrine and social philosophy of Protestantism, based on Calvin, is causing a steady and continuing breakdown of that world. Belloc shows the Reformation's evil results in the economic sphere, through usury and unbridled competition.
He states that "Calvin opened the door to the domination of the mind by money." Belloc concludes that the return of Catholicism is the only remedy for our crumbling world, because our basic principles of civilization are Catholic in origin and only by being energized and guided by the Faith will they - and our civilization - continue to be what they are and continue to help poor, fallen mankind in this world. Belloc maintains that we are drifting back towards slavery and only by re-embracing Catholicism will disaster be averted.
The cause of all the problems --The Reformation--the solution of all the problems is a return to The Holy Catholic Faith.

Catholics are the first and only Christians-others (including Muslims) only believe parts of Catholic Doctrine and that is defined as a heretic-only believing parts of a whole doctrine.

May 29th The Last day of Constantinople-The greatest tragedy of the Second Millennium .

May 29th The Last day of Constantinople-The greatest tragedy of the Second Millennium .
Now thousands of Ottoman soldiers were pouring into the city.
One after the other the city Gates were opened.
The Ottoman flags began appearing on the walls, on the towers, on the Palace at Blachernae.
Civilians in panic were rushing to the churches.
Others locked themselves in their homes, some continued fighting in the streets, crowds of Greeks and foreigners were rushing towards the port area.
The allied ships were still there and began collecting refugees.
The Cretan soldiers and sailors, manning three towers near the entrance of the Golden Horn, were still fighting and had no intention of surrendering.  At the end, the Ottoman commanders had to agree to a truce and let them sail away, carrying their arms.
The excesses which followed, during the early hours of the Ottoman victory, are described in detail by eyewitnesses. 
They were, and unfortunately still is, a common practice, almost a ritual, among all armies capturing enemy strongholds and territory after a prolonged and violent struggle.
Thus, bands of soldiers began now looting.  
Doors were broken, private homes were looted, their tenants were massacred. 
Shops in the city markets were looted.
Monasteries and Convents were broken in.  Their tenants were killed, nuns were raped, many, to avoid dishonor, killed themselves.  
Killing, raping, looting, burning, enslaving, went on and on according to tradition.
The troops had to satisfy themselves.
The great doors of Saint Sophia were forced open, and crowds of angry soldiers came in and fell upon the unfortunate worshippers. 
Pillaging and killing in the holy place went on for hours.
Similar was the fate of worshippers in most churches in the city.
Everything that could be taken from the splendid buildings was taken by the new masters of the Imperial capital.
Icons were destroyed, precious manuscripts were lost forever.
Thousands of civilians were enslaved, soldiers fought over young boys and young women.
Death and enslavement did not distinguish among social classes. Nobles and peasants were treated with equal ruthlessness.  

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

St. Bede the Venerable and History as His Story

St. Bede the Venerable and History as His Story: There is fundamental and very important distinction between the Church of England on the one hand, and the Church in England on the other. Prior to the foundation of the Church of England by King Henry VIII in the sixteenth century, the Church took hold in England thanks to missionaries from Rome; their tale and …

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

St. John del Prado - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. John del Prado - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online

St. John del Prado, Roman Catholic Franciscan martyr of Morocco. He was born in Morgobresio, in Leon, Spain, and became a Franciscan of the Strict Observance. Volunteering in 1613 to go to Morocco, he was martyred there with two Franciscan companions on the orders of the ruler of Marrakesh. The ruler supposedly executed John personally. Feastday May 24